
In December 2008, the website of Philippine Asian News Today, the flagship publication of the ReyFort Media Group, marked a major milestone. Philippineasiannewstoday.com has gen­erated more than 10 million hits since it went active in 2008. This strongly indicates that philippinea­siannewstoday.com has built a solid online reputation as the home of up-to-date and reliable news and features regarding Filipi­nos in Canada.

Based on tracking information, a lot of the visitors come from Canada, the United States, and the Philippines. The website has also generated heavy interest from visitors logging on in India, Singapore, Australia, and Saudi Arabia. Figures for the month of December 2013 alone show robust activity for philip­pineasiannewstoday.com.

In the last month of 2013, the website philippineasiannewstoday.com generated hits totalling 366,563. This represents an average of 11,824 hits per day. Put another way, philippineas­iannewstoday.com gets on average a total of 492 hits per hour …

Update Jan. 6, 2016 – PNT website traffic skyrockets with over 12 million hits

The Philippine Asian News Today is marking another major milestone regarding its online presence.

Its website www.philippineasiannewstoday.com had over 500,000 unique visitors from February 2015 up to the first six days of January 2016. Its daily visits range from more than 1,000 to nearly 2,000.

In addition, from February 2015 up to the first six days of January 2016, the website had over 12 million hits. In January 2016 alone, it had over 44,000 hits, which represent the number of items viewed on each page of the site opened by a visitor.

The website was launched in December 2008.

From that time up to 2013, the site generated more than 10 million hits. This indicated that philippineasiannewstoday.com has built a solid online reputation as the home of up-to-date and reliable news and features regarding Filipinos in Canada.


Office Add 9955 -149th Street, Surrey, B.C. V3R 7N2
Website: www.philippineasiannewstoday.com
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Office Fax: (604) 588-6387

Rey & Cely Fortaleza – Publishers
Julian Fortaleza – Asst. Publisher / Sports Editor
Carlito Pablo – Editorial Consultant
Senior Editor-Rosette Correa
Jun Cordero – Associate Editor
Christian Cunanan & Apple Plata – Columnist / Photographers
Writers / Columnists – Ben Berto, Editha Corrales, Mon Datol, Prof. Leonora Angeles,
Fr. Jerry Orbos SVD, Deedee Sytangco, Eddie Alinea, Alan Samuel,  and Erie Maestro
Ruel Bonghanoy (Manila Bureau Chief)
Mon Correa – Graphics and Layout
Rolly Fortaleza – Graphics Design
Joel Castro – Web Master

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