By Alan Samuel
Ditched is a word bandied about time and time again. Few words can describe the heroics a group of four sailors exhibit to their fellow man in The Finest Hours. Trust Disney to bring to life this true story. Inspirational stories are what the mouse that roared studios does best. Consider The Finest Hours to be a sobering tale that’s uplifting in the extreme. Take hold of the fun at Cineplex Odeon Screens around B.C.
Life is precious. A tremendous storm off the coast of Cape Cod on the eastern seaboard back in 1952 “forced” Bernie Webber into action. Song on the seas but shy with the ladies on land Chris Pine rises to the occasion as a timid Coast Guard operative with a checkers past. Despite an earlier setback Bernie returns to the sea in a miraculous small shop, braving gigantic waves in hopes of finding a tanker in trouble.
So whole this rescue mission is being mounted hundreds of miles away you have the parallel story of a tanker falling apart. How the remaining crew try to remain afloat – and Alice – will take your breath away. Led by Casey Affleck The Finest Hours is all about teamwork, friendship, battling the odds and plain old doing the right thing. Strong in every sense this is one 117 minute movie that will draw you in and not let you go. Just like the or I out threatening sea.