Abortion, Rights and Canadian Censorship

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  • The last few weeks have been critical for pro-lifers because some states in the United States have recognized the dignity of the human person from the moment of its conception. Alabama tops off the list with the strictest rules in abortion, with no exceptions to the definition of a human other than that who was formed upon conception, and the incarceration of doctors who perform abortions. Missouri, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Ohio stopped short of outright bans, instead passing so-called heartbeat bills that effectively prohibit abortions after six to eight weeks of pregnancy, when doctors can usually start detecting a fetal heartbeat. Utah and Arkansas voted to limit the procedure to the middle of the second trimester. The rest of pro-choice USA is up in arms, stating that it is a violation of human rights, forgetting that the child inside the womb is human, too, and therefore, intrinsically, has rights.
    Alabama’s strict abortion laws have got the pro-choice Liberals excited. It gave the Liberals an opening to criticize noted pro-life candidates who they want to cripple in upcoming elections. The opportunists that they are, the Liberals’ first target was Ontario PC MPP Sam Oosterhoff, the young rookie politician who has made no attempt to hide his pro-life views. Every year, the March for Life takes place at provincial legislators and on Parliament Hill. On that day, pro-life activists draw attention to the fact that there are no laws governing abortion in Canada and argue for the status quo to be changed and Oosterhoff was there to voice his support. So, the Liberals picking on him is as flat as an open can of pop. Really flat.
    And then there’s Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer who has never backed out of his stand on such issues but has said they are his personal position on the matter. For the Liberals to use this against him is futile, since they have many more issues to contend with. Of course, they found this to be an easier way to gather the votes, but how sure are they that Canada is actually 100% pro-choice?
    The movie Unplanned which is the story of Abby Johnson, a former abortion doctor of Planned Parenthood who resigned after she had had enough of killing innocent children up to their term. The movie, was banned in Canada by the three major theatres – Cineplex, Odeon and Landmark, has been picked up locally by religious groups and have shown them in their parishes and conventions, the biggest in Edmonton so far, where 3,000 gather at the Edmonton Expo Centre. None of the three big theatres would touch it with a 10-foot pole. They say the content is not appropriate for their theatres. I say that’s censorship. If they allow movies with much violence and gore, both fiction and non-fiction, to be shown to the public, why censor a semi-autobiographical movie? What are they afraid of? What is Canada afraid of?
    I know. It’s afraid of the truth. The truth of abortion is horrific. People only want to hear about abortion being about women’s rights and women’s issues. What about men’s rights and men’s issues? It takes two to tango, you know. And what about a child’s rights? Abortion is not about women’s rights. It’s about an injustice brought about to an innocent child who cannot defend himself or herself. In Canada, if we learn of an injustice happening to another person in another part of the world or even locally, we get upset and want to help the injured parties, especially if they are people who cannot defend themselves or whose rights are suppressed. If you show a video of animal being mutilated, killed and dismembered, the media and social media will be all over it, stating that it was inhumane and unjust. But when a baby in the womb is strangled and dismembered, we call it a woman’s right to do what she wants with the foreign object inside her body. We treat animals better than we treat human beings. We care that they are pampered and are treated well, while we get rid of “parasites” that may be called a zygote, an embryo, a fetus or a baby, depending on the different stages of his or her life. That is a tragedy, but that is an awful truth, the truth Canada doesn’t want to discuss in a civilized manner.
    While Canada tries to convey the message that it is pro-choice and pro-rights, it does so by censoring other groups that just want to be heard. The blocking of the movie Unplanned is a suppression of the rights of people to watch the movie and decide for themselves what their side of the argument is. It is much like the Bell Performing Arts Theatre in Surrey banning the group Culture Guard because they wanted to stage an anti-SOGI 123 rally a few years ago. Censorship is a bad word when it is applied to the noisy minority and when it affects their ideology, but when it is applied to the majority who believe in issues other than theirs, it’s okay. When will the double standard end?


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