Birth Tourism must stop, but the only way to do that is to convince the federal government to make changes to Canadian immigration laws. The practice of coming to Canada, giving birth and acquiring a Canadian birth certificate for your child is grossly unfair to all the legal immigrants who made their way to Canada through ethical means.
Dongyuan Li’s operation in Irvin California has been shut down after she received over 3 million dollars in bank transfers and the USA government agents have since seized two of Li’s properties, six vehicles, more than $1 million from bank accounts and 10 gold bars, 10 gold coins and various gold jewelry. Li operated birth houses in approximately 20 upscale apartments and had a large staff.
Ms Li also is serving jail time after processing over 300 customers and advising them on how to use Strategies to Maximize the Chance of Entry, this included a recommendation “that, for best results, Chinese birth tourists should list on their visa applications that “they intended to stay at the ‘5-star’ hotel of ‘TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL WAIKIKI BEACH (Trump Hawaii Hotel),’ in Honolulu, Hawaii,” according to the indictment.
We have Birth Tourism houses in Richmond and city bylaw staff have done their best to close them down with the bylaws we have in place after they have been alerted by watchful citizens but what we need is a change to the Canadian immigration system. Other countries have multiple requirements which include the child must reside in the birth country for many years before receiving a birth certificate. If you want to see a change that respects all the immigrants that came here ethically please write to the Minister of Immigration Marco Mendicino
The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P.
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1
Telephone: 613-954-1064
Fax: 613-952-5533
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named Marco Mendicino as Canada’s next Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.
Richmond is multicultural city with people from many walks of life that can work, live and play together but Birth Tourism is a unfair practice that creates a divide in our community and it is time to stop it now. My parents immigrated from Denmark and I was born here, I am a proud Canadian and I demand change.
Best regards,
Carol Day
Richmond City Councillor | RITE Richmond
“WORKING for the People of Richmond”
T 604.240.1986
F 604.271.5535