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Richmond celebrate Philippine culture


The Philippine Cultural Celebra­tion in Richmond drew a crowd of 1,700 as Filipino cultural and lit­erary talents within the context of books and library services were showcased on 1 December 2012 at the Richmond Public Library, Brighouse. In its post-event con­gratulatory report, RPL estimated that about 1,700 people came through the gates from 10 am -1 pm on that day. Many Richmond  residents as well as other com­munity members who live as far as White Rock, Vancouver, Burn­aby, Westminster, and Coquitlam partook of the festivities and were enthralled by world-class Filipino cultural and literary talents. In attendance were Mable Elmore, M.L.A., Vancouver Kensington; Linda McPhail, Acting Mayor, City of Richmond; The Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors) and MP for Richmond; The Honourable John Yap, Minister of Advanced Education, Innova­tion and Technology and Minister Responsible for Multicultural­ism and M.L.A., Richmond-Ste­veston; Mark Bostwick, Trustee, Richmond Public Library Board; and The Honourable Jose A.P. Ampeso, Consul General, Philip­pine Consulate General, Vancou­ver.

Miguel Syjuco, author of the award-winning book Illustrado, gave a book presentation and a talk hosted by Joseph Planta of and Marieton Pacheco of The Filipino Channel.

Rosario Strings and Philippine Cultural Arts Society of BC per­formed traditional dances and musical numbers.
Mel Tobias, Eleanor Guerrero-Campbell, BC Lee of Anyone Can Act Theatre performed an excerpt of the Stage Reading of Portrait by Nick Joaquin to be performed at Gateway Theatre three days af­ter the event.
There was an art exhibit by the Dimasalng III International Artists Group featuring SYM Mendoza, Rod Pedralba, Jess Hipolito, Leo Cunanan Jr., Esmie Gayo McLar­en, and Danvic Briones.

There was also cultural and arts and crafts displays by community volunteers and sponsors Alpha Phi Omega Alumni Association of BC, Ateneo Alumni Associa­tion of BC, Kababayan UBC Fili­pino Students Association, GMA Pinoy TV, One LaSalle Vancouver, Tulayan – Bridging the Filipino Di­aspora, and the University of the Philippines Alumni Association of BC.”

Photos by Jay Aquino

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