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2 Filipino workers in violent deaths that stun Barcelona

MANILA – Police investigators in Barcelona are still putting together the pieces of the puzzling, violent deaths of three people – two of them Filipinos, both working as butlers – in the Sant Gervasi neighborhood.

They want to know why a 48-year-old Spanish national of Filipino origin decided to kill, first a friend of his, also a butler and a Filipino, and then the female director of a branch of Caixa Catalunya before committing suicide by flinging himself from a bridge, according to a report by the La

The news accounts did not name the Filipinos. It was learned that at around 11.30 am of Tuesday, police were called to a branch of the Caixa Catalunya on Ganduxer street, in the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi, where a woman had been stabbed. They learned that the assailant broke into the bank and, without saying a word stabbed five times the deputy  director of the bank. She bled to death at the Clínic de Barcelona hours later.

Probers were said to be looking as a  motive of the attack an unpaid loan sought by the assailant.

The BBVA group, owned by Caixa Catalunya, issued  a statement on its website lamenting the violent death of the female bank employee, according to the Vanguardia report.

The assailant fled on a motorcycle. However, he abandoned the bike near an overpass and then, to everyone’s shock, jumped to his death below, where it was run over by a bus.

The man died hours later at the Vall d’Hebron hospital, said the news report.

Two hours after the stabbing and the suicide, police were called to the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi, to an apartment on Johann Sebastian Bach street, where they found the body of a butler, also a Filipino.  He bore several stab wounds.

Catalan police probers initially did not connect the two events, but reportedly grew curious by the fact that two of the three victims were of Filipino origin.

They would learn later the two men were friends, of the same age, 48, and worked as butlers in the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi.

There were accounts of a heated altercation between the two men, but no one knew why.

The Filipino assailant at the bank who later killed himself was seen as the most likely perpetrator because the apartment where the other man lived was highly secured and no stranger can come up unless cleared from upstairs; therefore, the butler’s killer must have been known to him. (Interaksyon)

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