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Vancouver International Film Festival Texas (G) * * * * Border Love?

border-loveLove can be a perplexing af­fair. Marriage is also a trying ex­perience. One cowboy tries to come to terms with his ladylove in Texas. Bold film making from a hot up and coming director, this quirky gem is a must see presen­tation not to be missed at this year’s Vancouver International Film Festival. All it takes is 15 short minutes and you’ll be hooked. What we have here is a gentleman in Texas wanting to get his estranged with back.

She lives in Oklahoma and the two face off right at the bor­der between these two southern states. Who will make the first move to leap into the other’s arms may or may not happen. Twists aplenty crop up as this film is made even better thanks to the effortless performances of the two leads who are charming and charismatic with that good old southern drawl. Married folks will clearly be able to relate to the light barbing and expressions of endearment these two lovebirds (?) still have for one another.

Include a subdued score full of western twang and folksy humour and Texas will clearly rope you in. You will sense the dusty flavour of the desert atmosphere and have  a stake in the outcome in this smartly made well delivered little film that a short serves up some king-sized performances.

For more information on Texas and other festival films go to www.

Texas screens on Oct. 2 and Oct. 10 at The Vancouver Inter­national Film Festival

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